Monday, May 1, 2017

Membership to the ‘You Don’t Look Sick’ Club: A Doubled Edged Sword

Nearly 20 years ago, I had a craniotomy for a benign brain stem tumor that had become cystic. For the first months after the surgery, my head was shaved, my awesome scar on my scalp was visible, I sported a leg brace, and walked with a cane. I looked sick.
A few years later, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. I was fatigued, my eyes were swollen, and big purple welts developed on my shins. I walked slowly and cautiously because I thought I had broken bones in my feet. I looked sick.

Now days, my hair covers the scar, the brace and cane are long gone, and no one is the wiser. I have been able to keep Crohn’s hidden as well. The prednisone kept me chubby, I can tolerate a wide variety of foods, and I have yet to require a feeding tube, surgery, or an ostomy. I don’t look sick.

But I still have Neurofibromatosis 1; the genetic disorder that caused the brain stem tumor. And I still have Crohn’s; it didn’t go away; it’s called remission. I still require the care of a neurologist, orthopedic, ophthalmologist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, and dermatologist. Whew!

Early in my career as a professional patient, I felt a certain sense of pride when someone told me that I didn’t look sick. I viewed it as a compliment and took it as the proverbial pat on the back. I felt as if I had been doing a good job, I was getting better, and maybe I wasn’t so sick after all. I loved being a member of the ‘You Don’t Look Sick’ club!

Oh but there is a dark side to the club; I feel it when a new doctor looks me over and asks (usually with their eyes), “Why are you here wasting my time?”  I search for a way to let them know that I am not exaggerating or making shit up. Believe me, I know, I look a hell of a lot better in person than I do on paper!

My heart sinks when someone says, “NF huh? You don’t look like the Elephant Man.” I don’t even know where to begin with that! Spoiler alert: Neurofibromatosis is often called the "Elephant Man disease" however, Joseph Merrick (aka ‘The Elephant Man”) did not have NF1 but another disorder called Proteus Syndrome; Google it.

My eyes roll when someone says, “You don’t look like you have Crohn’s.” Think about that for a minute, what is the point of a statement like that? Is that a challenge? Sounds like a challenge.

I think people (self-included) get images in their heads of what someone with a disease should look like because they saw it on TV or a friend of their second cousin had the same thing. We think we know more than we actually do. Chronic illness is called ‘chronic’ for a reason. It is ALWAYS there. NF1 is chronic, Crohn’s is chronic. No cure for either of them. While I don’t look sick right now, I am sick, albeit chronically. I have a lot going on behind the scenes: meds to take, blood to get tested, body parts to scan, and doctors to see.

So go ahead, tell me I don’t look sick or better yet, tell me I look good; I will say “Thank you!” And we can leave it there, compliment given and compliment received.